Zanna Bianca

Zanna Bianca
Zanna Bianca is a puppy, half wolf and half dog, born in the icy Alaska's forests during the gold rush. Since he took his first steps, the wolf learns to fend alone to survive the Wild savagery and that of men. Captured by an Indian, the young wolf is trained as a sled dog. But after some time, the owner leaves him to a white man who turns him into a ruthless fighting dog. Zanna Bianca's fate seems marked, but an unexpected rescuer saves him from a fierce destiny.
Zanna Bianca
Year of publication: 2016

Zanna Bianca

Francesca Coen

Francesca Coen was born in 1991 in Milano. After attending the Comics School for Animation in her city, she develops a passion for illustration for children. She has worked for two years as a freelance illustrator and in 2015 she graduated from the Master per l'Editoria Ars in Fabula. Her thesis project “Zanna Bianca” was published by Rizzoli in january 2016 within the series “Classici illustrati”.
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