Debut book of Palmarucci selected at Illustr'arte in 2011 and at the prestigious CJ Picture Book 2011.

Suddenly a man started scenting like a rose.” A penetrating and intense scent. Intrusive. 
In his house, in his palace, in his neighborhood, now everything scents like a rose. Ad nauseam. Up to unliveability. Any other different odour is covered by this incredible scent: women can not tell if the food is burning, and the cats can't catch any mouse. The professors of the botanical Academy handle to solve the problem , making the man a living wonder to study and show off. Until one day, suddenly, he loses the scent. And freedom. A story about the power of smell: Patrick Süskind knew, that we can't escape perfumes, "because the scent is the brother of breath." Those who live near landfills and overflowing dumpsters of many of our cities know it very well. But it is also a short story on the trouble of being special. A prodigious man and a life under glass in Claudia Palmarucci images making her debut as illustrator.
Year of publication: 2011


claudia palmarucci

Claudia Palmarucci was born in Tolentino (MC) in 1985 and began her art studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Macerata. In 2008 she attended at the Summer School Ars in Fabula a course taught by V. Konstantinov, and the following year by M. Quarello. In 2009 she attended the Master Ars in Fabula and "La Rosa" of Ljudmila Petruševskaja (2011), thesis work at the Master became her first book, with which she is selected at Illustr'arte 2011 and at the prestigious CJ Picture Book 2011 . Soon to be released, for Kite Edizioni, "Il duplicato" on a text by Davide Cali and Fuente Ovejuna for Eli Edizioni. In the catalogue of Orecchio Acerbo : "Le case degli altri bambini” by Luca Tortolini (2015), "I musicanti di Brema" of the Brothers Grimm (2012). Among the exhibitions we also remember the Illustrators Exhibition at the Bologna Children's Book Fair in 2011 and 2013 and in the same year, the Biennial of Illustration in Bratislava.
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