Io credo agli unicorni

Io credo agli unicorni
Tomas loves running in the woods, going up till the top of the hills and fishing in the lake with his father. One day in the mountain can surely teach him more than an entire week at school and the stories, written or narrated out loud, don't affect him. This until one day his mother takes him to the library where he meets the Lady of the Unicorn, who with the magic of a few words manages to show him the beauty of the tale's world.

The drawings of the Master graduate Marco Lafirenza complete the picture of this story about readings and responsibilities.
Io credo agli unicorni
Editor: Rizzoli Editore
Year of publication: 2010

Io credo agli unicorni

Marco Lafirenza

Marco Lafirenza studied illustration at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Macerata. In 2010, after having attended the Master di Illustrazione per l'Editoria Ars in Fabula, he collaborated with different publishing houses among which Helbling Languages, Mandragora and Rizzoli; with the last one he published his Master thesis project “Io credo agli unicorni”. In 2014 he was selected at the Illustrator Exhibition at the Bologna Fair. The passion for illustration and comics is accompanied by a likewise big love for drums and long travels. 
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