There is a moment when the presence of man in the ecosystem is sustainable and not invasive. This period only lasts for a blink of an eye or the turning of the page and it is soon replaced by a more alarming view; fishes abandon their intense colours to embrace the blackness of the factory and a natural scream, at first thin as a whistle an then explosive as the roots of a tree capable with their strenght of tearing the asphalt, echoes through the air.
“Changeons”, by the Master graduate Francesco Giustozzi, aims to remind how the way back to the ancient coexistence of man and nature is far from impossible, actually the path to reestablish it needs only a few expedients, given that, even on their own, the natural forces would be able to redeem themselves.
The digital technique used by Giustozzi with its graphic and essential shapes, keeps the dinamic aspect of a handmade work while the absence of words let the narration, build on the attention to details, to be the true protagonist of the book.
Year of publication: 2017