
Designed for those who wish to take a training path in the artistic publishing industry starting with the main basis.

The on-line Entry-Level Course aims at offering an artistic and professional structured training programme, dealing with all stages of designing an illustrated book and providing the basis for a personal artistic research methodology.

The course is open to those who intend to approach the publishing field with professional aspirations without any age or qualification restrictions and no entrance test. The course is designed as the first step of an educational cycle, in order to provide the student with all the design and methodological tools and then be able to move on to specialization (Advanced-Level) or professionalization (Master in Editorial Illustration Ars in Fabula), but also to give the opportunity to those who have already embarked on their own independent path to fill gaps or deepen single issues. The teaching staff is made up by professionals and experts of the publishing field.

The course provides a coordinator teacher, who will constantly follow the development of the students' work, and of teachers chosen among the professionals of the field such as publishers and illustrators.

The diploma of the Entry-Level course gives you the access to the Advanced-Level course without selection and is recognized with 5 points in Specific Education for entry to the Ars in Fabula Master in Illustration. Lessons start in: January 2025. Ask the calendar of lessons to the secretariat: info@arsinfabula.com.

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